Change is Good & Moving Posts the Book Blog

Good morning! I hope the sun is shining on you. It is peering through my windows as a simple, “Hello, Spring is almost here.” The changing of the seasons reminds me that life involves change and hopefully growth. Change can be uncomfortable, yet beneficial for us. There is beauty on the other side of change, if we can trust the process.

From 2018 until today has involved drastic changes. Changes with transitioning from the job I had since college to an entirely different industry, changes in my relationships/friendships, leaving a church I loved to remain more local, my dad moving local because of a serious illness, helping my parents navigate through his health challenges, my worldview shifting with COVID 19/the political uproar/death of George Floyd, losing countless supposed “Christian” friends because I do not support their Christian Nationalism or political point of view, facing backlash for being authentic to who I am, and moving to an ethnically diverse church because I was tired of the racism (blatant or subliminal) in white evangelical churches.

I asked God around 2017 to remove anything and anyone from my life that was unnecessary for my destiny. He answered that prayer and continues to answer that prayer. I am thankful. There is plenty that was left behind. There is far greater in the years to come. I hold fast to Psalm 84:11, “The Lord my God is a sun and shield, no good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly.” My life belongs to God. My destiny belongs to God. Who I am and who I become is written in the book of God. Unlike Eve, I refuse to believe that God is holding out on me! He’s not, nor is he holding out on anyone else. “Every good and perfect gift comes from above from the Father of Lights who does not change like the shifting shadows.” A seed must fall to the ground, be covered by dirt, and be nourished by rain to become that tall oak.

Changes will come! Transitions are necessary. If they are God led, they always lead to something better. Job (in the bible) was given double for his trouble. God is faithful. This is a truth I hold onto.

I landed a far better job where I am valued and respected for what I do. I am valued instead of tolerated. I’ve advanced into higher levels of leadership and influence within my department and at the senior levels. I’ve met incredible people who add value to my life instead of me being the person who does that for others. I have a church where the pastor speaks out against sexism, racism, injustice, and the mistreatment of immigrants. They focus on the actual teachings of Jesus instead of trying to enlist everyone in the Republican party. I feel safe to be who God created me to be and to discuss my unique challenges as a woman of color without gaslighting, neglect, being ignored, or mistreated. My dad is still here, though doctors told us he’d be dead over a year ago. I have more time with my parents and family instead of over investing my time into people from churches who could easily walk out of my life because I did not violently oppose face masks. I found even more love in Jesus, the true love of my life.

Change can make us better! So I hope you embrace change even in the discomfort.

With that being said, I will be transitioning to only managing one blog and that is Link to the latest blog post is below. Rather that running two blogs, will focus on one. I thank you for being a part of my journey over the years. You are invited and welcomed to join the book blog! We’d love to have you. After this month, I will no longer be posting regularly on this page. Once again I thank you for reading posts over the years.

I hope you check out my fourth book to be released this year called Relationships 101! Join the book blog or company website to stay informed of the release date.

Latest Book Blog Post:

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Erin Lamb

The King’s Daughter

Parable: The King’s Daughter

The King sent his daughter into neighboring countries for diplomatic service. She was not adorned in royal garb. She blended into the crowds. She was there to serve and bless the town’s people. They soon recognized her generosity and made plans for exploitation. They could get their needs met without offering much or anything in return. They offered her what had the least or no value in exchange for her best offers.

They mocked her in private, and some to her face. They gossiped, and tried to sully her reputation. Obviously she was either stupid, weak, or had an ulterior motive. They worked against her efforts to help their poorest citizens. They needed the poor to feel good about themselves, “At least we are not like those people.” Some helped and were generous too. Many were offended by the expressions of kindness.

The daughter of the king kept showing up to serve, give, love. Even when those offerings from her father’s table were trampled under foot.

One day the king appeared and found his daughter. “Come with me,” he said. “I have other countries that desperately need what we have to offer. You do not need to to stay where the gifts are unwanted. Pack your things. We will leave today. I did not send you here for exploitation.”

The daughter packed her things and departed with her father. Though the town’s people did not value what was given to them, they were full of rage that the king’s daughter departed. How dare she. She owed them. They were entitled to receive from the king’s table.

They demanded she return. She did not. She and the king took their gifts, generosity, and blessings to other countries. The people in other countries were open to the king’s decrees. They rejoiced that the king chose their town to be recipients of his goodness.

The king’s daughter flourished in her new assignments. She made new alliances and assisted the king in building an empire focused on loving people. The daughter learned a valuable lesson; do not waste your gifts on those who do not appreciate them.


Erin L Lamb

Myths About God

It’s late and I should probably be tucked away under blankets sleeping. Instead I’m writing to you. I decided to start a new series entitled, “Myths about God.”

A myth is something that may be wildly believed, yet may be unproven to be true.

Myth: “A popular belief or story that has become associated with a person, institution, or occurrence, especially one considered to illustrate a cultural ideal.

These myths can be passed down from generation to generation without verification of whether the stated myth has any legitimacy. In my walk with Yeshua (Jesus), I have encountered countless people who have repeated something they learned in their church or community about God that I could not validate against the written texts about God, the character of God, or experiences with God. They were passed along as the truth, and people acted upon what they heard from others versus engaging in their own relationship with God.

One of the myths that is untrue I have heard and seen repeated is God requires nothing from us. People mistake “God is love,” for “God approves of everything and everyone is in relationship with God with no stipulations on that relationship.” They mistake unfailing love with covenant relationship.

Jesus was quite clear on what the requirements for family/covenant relationship with God entailed. It was not something to be taken lightly. It cost Him life. A life for a life. This belief that God requires nothing from us, that everyone has the same access to God with no regard for what He stated were His requirements, and that love means unconditional acceptance is dangerous. One, there would have been no reason for Jesus to go to the cross if God had zero standards. Second, it teaches people that God does not care how they live, love, believe, treat others or treat Him. Third, it’s simply false.

God does not just ask for our repentance and faith in His Son, He asks for our ENTIRE lives. God is asking for relationship stronger and more committed than an earthly marriage. Imagine getting married and your spouse tells you, “Don’t expect me to be faithful, spend time with you, love you, care about you, be supportive, talk to you, invest in you. You can do all those things for me, yet don’t expect anything from me.” Would you say you were truly in a loving marriage? Probably not. However, I meet people who treat God as though He should have zero desires for their devotion, faithfulness, and faith.

Since there are people who believe this myth about God, they are content living how they desire to live independent of God. I’ve also met countless Christians who think I am evil for requiring anything from them to say we are in a relationship. How dare I expect them to initiate sometimes, to care about me, to show up, and invest anything. If I loved them, I would be everything they needed me to be without expecting anything in return. This mindset is called entitlement. It’s rooted in pride, selfishness, and deception.

In order to have a thriving relationship, there needs to be two engaged participants. I am not saying that if we have genuine faith in God and do not speak to Him for season or do not give that God abandons us. I am saying it is a flawed mindset to believe that God requires nothing in order to be in relationship with Him. It is not theologically sound. He requires repentance and faith. Jesus told His followers to die to selfishness, pick up their cross, and follow Him. Paul reminded churches that their bodies were not their own but were purchased by God through the sacrifice of His Son.

Do you not know that your body is the temple (the very sanctuary) of the Holy Spirit Who lives within you, Whom you have received [as a Gift] from God? You are not your own. You were bought with a price [purchased with a preciousness and paid for, made His own]. So then, honor God and bring glory to Him in your body.-1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (Amplified Classic Version).

“Why do you call Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not practice what I tell you?”-Jesus (Luke 6:46, Amplified Classic Version).

I am not promoting legalism. I am putting forward it is unwise to tell people that God expects nothing from them for relationship and in a relationship. I would say that God’s love is unwavering, not use the term unconditional. Why? In our society, when people hear unconditional, there are people who think that means that no matter how horribly they behave, there are no consequences. Israel thought this about God and had a rude awakening. God is not a joke. God is to be reverenced. God’s kindness, mercy, and grace is not to be mocked and treated as “He owes this to me.” God owes us nothing.

I am thankful, though at times grossly irritated by, the people in my life who have treated me poorly. They taught me what not to do to God. When I was an intercessor for ministries, people would send me long lists of things to pray for and sometimes treat me like a slot machine. People have contacted me all hours of the day and night with their problems, then excluded me from the joys of their life. I was their help line. There were the seasons of thankless service where people acted as though I owed them my time or they only showed up when they need assistance. One lady even told me at a church that she loved me so much because no matter how poorly she treated me, I kept loving her and showing up for her. God does not enjoy being mistreated, nor do I.

God has feelings. I do too. I realized I never want to treat God this way. Therefore, there are times where I just tell God I don’t want anything except to love Him. There are times I simply listen to God’s heart. I tell God thank you. I help God accomplish His mission on earth. I check my entitlement at the door because God owes me nothing. I additionally take seriously the commitment to God and invest in our relationship. God is not my Sabbath and holiday friend. God is not my part time friend. God is not my crisis hotline and God never hears from me otherwise. God is my every day, full time, love of my life. I cherish God. I love God with my life.

My hope and prayer in this series is that you and I encounter the genuine Jesus of Nazareth and grow to love Him and others more.

In closing, God is asking for our whole heart!



Winds of Change

They say one of the most certain things is change. I can agree that life can present a set of unpredictable events that change the course of life for us. We can imagine one trajectory and in a split second life shifts us to something new.

I had a conversation with my financial advisor last week and she asked me where I envisioned myself 10 years ago, today, and 10 years in the future. What a loaded question. I had to journey back through the events of the past ten years and one phrase that stood out for me was “I survived.” Ten years ago I was focused on survival and overcoming all the challenges. I was not focused on thriving. My life centered around survival and service to the church. I, on several occasions, put myself last in service to the Christian church. No matter how poorly I was treated at times I kept loving and serving. I was in place of being pressured to persevere, forgive, and keep loving-even if it was negatively impacting my mental health.

There are rounds of applause in Christianity when you sacrifice yourself on the altar of of the church. Who doesn’t love a good martyr? Put yourself last, never think of your needs, and if you break down then you must have a low level of faith. It was largely ignored the 80-85% of the congregation who were spiritual consumers. They would show up week after week with their needs, wants, prayer requests, and then frolic off into the sunset under the umbrella of your intercession. Nothing more was asked of them or required. As long as they showed up, they could be the “entertain me, coddle me, make me feel good,” congregation. You, the unpaid service to the church, better show up early to set up and do it with a smile for the Lord. You better fast and pray. You better turn the other cheek. You better serve with joy because it’s for Jesus.

What I learned is everything done at churches is not for Jesus. It’s for the church and those two entities are not always aligned, especially in Western culture. What Jesus required of people was far different. He told people, “Go OUT into the world and let them see who I am through your love, light, and sharing of the Gospel.” Jesus told His followers to be active in their love, devotion and service of one another. This differs from the current model of 10-20% of the congregants do 100% of the work and the rest show up to take and add no value. The church is referred to in the Gospels as a body. If my natural body only has a few organs working, it will atrophy, be less effective or ineffective, and potentially die.

The winds of change shifted me from giving all I had to the organized church to taking better care of my mental and emotional health, my family, my career, and my overall well-being. Christians broke me of killing myself for them while they were consuming everything they could without depositing much or anything at all. They would suck any life they could out of me and then some became angry when I was not eager to be their Jesus substitute. I was expected to trust God to meet my needs, while they (some) relied on me to meet theirs. I recognized the inequity and I was not in a body that the disciples described. I was in the colonized “Christianity model” where it centered on taking from people and building spiritual empires.

I will note I have two small circles of Christian women who mutually invest, they have been a blessing. I have two-three Christian men as friends. That’s a handful of people and I have interacted with thousands of Christians in my lifetime. Overall 80-85% of the Christians I have interacted with in my life have been consumers, users, apathetic, unhelpful, unkind, or just seeking me for some form of ministry to their needs. I have not encountered the love of Jesus through them. It’s NOT what Jesus modeled or taught His followers to be.

I woke up one day desiring change…Sometimes we change because we are forced to do so! Sometimes we change or transition because it’s too painful to remain the same.

2018 forced me out of my career supporting the US Military. It also forced plenty of church friends out of my life. 2019 changed the course of my trajectory as I stepped back into corporate with a new industry. It felt like starting all over again and I am still learning. 2020 forced me to examine my mostly silent approach to racism in the church and the political spirit that is quite notably aligned with the Pharisees. It cost me more than I expected to use my voice, yet I don’t regret it. Black lives matter and I don’t care if people exit my life because I said it. I did not vote for Trump and will not in 2024. I don’t care if I lose more people over that choice either. More church friends exited my life because I chose to wear face masks to honor the sick and those who could be impacted by COVID. 2021 changed my life with my father moving closer to us to help him with a not great health prognosis. 2022 changed the trajectory of my life as I stepped into a leadership role with 8 direct reports/staff in my corporate job.

The twists and turns have taught me the following…

  1. God will see me (us) through any storm.
  2. The organized church is not Jesus and sadly fails to represent Him well (esp in social justice crisis), even when they think or say they do. My greatest prayer is the earthly church aligns with Jesus of Nazareth. We have a ways to go.
  3. I am here on earth to bring about change, not fit in with the culture.
  4. I am okay with losing people and people hating me.
  5. God works all things together for good if we love and follow.
  6. Change can be painful and cause grief-grieve the expectations of something different.
  7. A seed must die for something new to be reborn.
  8. The people who truly love me, the person, not Erin the mentor/minister/helper, are not going anywhere!
  9. Queens turn pain into power.
  10. Though change can be unsettling, it’s often necessary.
  11. God never intended our lives be cycles of endless suffering.
  12. God ordained connections are mutually life-giving.
  13. God expects we will take care of ourselves.
  14. I don’t owe the church my life nor every professing Christian.
  15. It’s possible to be comfortable with something or someone who is holding us back.

I end with a positive note to you: Change is inevitable. In order to move forward and to become our best selves, it will involve change. A river that does not move becomes stagnant and stale. Some changes may break your heart and then align your destiny. I am certain the cross hurt Jesus. Betrayal hurt Jesus. His transformation was necessary. So is yours. So is mine. I am not stating we will all suffer greatly for greatness to emerge from us. I am stating that it’s okay to adjust your sails and allow the winds of change to carry you the next destination. Life is an adventurous journey.


Erin L Lamb

Coming soon, book 4-Relationships 101.

Are You Following Jesus or Religion?

I have been on this kick of decolonizing and deconstructing my faith and what people in my country call “Christianity.” At the root is not a heart of judgement. It is a heart plagued with confusion. What we say we believe has not matched what we are demonstrating to the world. If I notice it, who else notices? I am running into more and more people completely over American Christianity and some have abandoned God altogether.

I will tell you 2020 opened the eyes of many people, myself included on how crazy Christianity is in America. I have never seen people go so insane over politics, vaccines, masks, conspiracy theories, etc…People dumped long term friends over things that will not matter in 5 years. People disgraced and dishonored the name of God for politics. I saw racism spring forth out of white church friends. There were Christians who made a mockery of God’s name.

I used to think using God’s name in vain was primarily about using swear words. It’s not. It’s also about assigning God’s name to things, ideas, and ideologies that have nothing to do with God or for selfish gain. The “God told me crowd ” are some of the greatest offenders when it comes to using God’s name in vain. What they say does not match the character, heart, or person of God.

It’s been a roller coaster of emotions for me since 2020. I have honestly been jaded by church (religious activities). I don’t want to go. I worship at home and fellowship with my biological family. The church I was attending was more focused on getting Trump re-elected than preaching the Gospel. There was more focus on trying to get people into church buildings than addressing the hurting and dying on the street. I recall going out to feed the homeless in lock down and the line to my car was unreal. There are people in my city who eat of the trash and sleep on the cold streets, yet the highest concern was getting back into a building or forcing God to make someone President.

I think I am strange because my main concerns when it comes to my faith are honoring God, helping the poor, sharing the Gospel. We are filling buildings with people who may still be on their way to hell. I am not sure we are teaching people how to have their own personal relationship with Jesus.

When I have tried to mentor or disciple people for Jesus there has normally been some form of conflict that arose with some people who wanted me to simply tell them they were amazing instead of teach what Jesus taught. They bucked any form of correction or anything that held them to a higher standard. Quite a few either left and abandoned the group or picked a fight with me or said God was calling them elsewhere. We have created in America a “Me-Centered gospel,” that promotes calling out the gold in people rather than teaching them they are accountable for their choices. It keeps people immature and carnal. The early apostles never changed the words of Jesus to make people feel good about themselves. Unfortunately we have a pendulum that has swung from intense judgement to anything goes (un-sanctified mercy).

Aside from the priorities, I have heard the most ridiculous conspiracy theories that make God seem like an incompetent loser. We tell people God is all powerful, all knowing, undefeated, cannot be sabotaged, and then pass around these theories on how the social elite can overthrow God’s plans. It is lunacy to me. Either God is who He says He is or we need to just all go home and sit down and be quiet. The same God who saved the life of Moses and Jesus from being murdered before their time, who delivered His people out of Egypt, parted the Red Sea, raised up King Saul and then took him down is now powerless against secret societies and those pesky Democrats. It all came off as crazy and as manifested unbelief to me.

It’s puzzled me because I have thought, “Maybe I am following a different Jesus.” I truly have sat with the Gospels and studied the life of Jesus. I have read the bible cover to cover many times and even studied some texts in their original language. What I have struggled with most are the priorities of the modern Western Church vs the priorities of Jesus. The behavior part, well we are all still in process. God is still working on me and I do my best to yield to God. We can only expect perfection from God. The world (people who do not know God) should see something different in a person united with Jesus. Those are His words, not mine.

The Jesus I know is highly concerned about the poor, outcasts, the rejected by society, widows, orphans, human beings being sold as slaves, injustice, racism, sexism, all the isms that seek to subjugate or diminish His father’s creation, the broken hearted, the oppressed, those who are not reconciled to the Father (evangelism is a priority), revealing the Father’s heart, delivering the oppressed, truth telling, service to the world, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, bringing God’s hope to the hopeless.

I do not know self centered Jesus who is mostly concerned with Himself, His rights, pushing Himself on others, bullying, excessive rudeness, doing all He can to make Christians rich and comfortable while asking nothing from them.

I do not know political Jesus who rants and raves that you must support whatever political party He chooses or be doomed for hell.

I do not know Jesus of the patriarchy, because Jesus shocked the world by loving women, empowering women to speak for Him, listening to women, protecting women, cherishing women, honoring women, and healing women. Jesus came to serve, not be served.

I do not know white Jesus who mainly cares about white people and their desires. He cares nothing for the other 90% of the world’s population nor the billions of people of color who existed before there were any white people. I know brown Jesus from Nazareth who died for the entire world.

I do not know capitalist or American Jesus who values money and profits more than people. Money is not the highest goal of Jesus, it’s relationship with people. Jesus is not a consumer. Jesus does not treat people like commodities. He loved people enough to die for them.

I do not know the Jesus who quotes scripture at people without helping them to understand it or live it out. Jesus enters into the suffering and lives of flawed people to assist them, not harm them.

I do not know nationalist Jesus who only cares about certain nations. God so loved the world! The entire world.

I do not know the Jesus who hates Africans or black people, nor uses them as the scapegoat. God’s first humans were African. Their melanin rich skin was not called a curse. It was called a blessing.

I will keep inviting my heavenly Father to teach me who He is, and I will keep pursuing Jesus of Nazareth-Yahusha. I don’t know who others are following if it does not match the scriptures of who Jesus is. Cultural Jesus can save no one. He’s not real. He is the god made in human’s image, not the Son of God.

I know this post is long, yet I hope it helps someone. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. Jesus did not come to establish a religion. He did not come to form a political party. Jesus came to reconcile the entire world to the Father. He came for RELATIONSHIP and out of that relationship we are transformed. Transformed people transform cities. Jesus changed the world starting with 12 disciples. There are supposedly 2.2 billion Christians on this planet. What are we transforming? Loads of people are running away from Christians and it’s because the agenda of Christians does not match the agenda of Jesus. Our agenda needs to align with Jesus, not the current Christian culture.

I leave you with this note I sensed from Father God on New Years. I am not saying, “Thus sayeth the Lord.” I am sharing something you are invited to pray over and test/weigh against the full counsel of God, the character of God, and the witness of the Holy Spirit. God is not mocked. Claiming the name of Jesus is not a joke. He asks for our entire lives. Our lives are no longer our own, they were purchased with a high price.

What I sensed from the Father, certainly test and weigh it.

You will see a continued dividing line between those united to my heart and those united to their religion. Their festivals and conferences bring me no joy. They have set their faces to be like Israel was; honoring me with their lips while denying me with their actions. I will purify my true church, my people. You will see more clearly who is following my son and who is following their own agenda.

I am not mocked. I am calling those bearing the name of my son higher. I’m calling them into agreement with my son. Some will listen and grow; some will ignore my correction. Those who ignore my correction will notice a tension and struggle upon their lives. My grace abounds upon those yielded to my son. Your nation has polluted the other nations with her greed, sexual immorality, gluttony, perversion, and pride. She must be purified.

I have sown pockets of my remnant in your nation to pray, to preach, to model the precepts of my son. Those who do not have true unity with my son will see tension in the years to come. The idols of America will not save her. Her military will not save her. Her police state will not help her. Her economy will not save her. She will see that I alone am God.

Mankind has repeatedly played the role of desiring idols over my presence. I continually invite my people into relationship with me through my son and to live out of my presence. This is where they will find life, hope, peace, joy, goodness, identity, love and their purpose. Invite people into my presence.

I am tired of man’s religion and systems of oppression. I have watched pastor’s rob the flock while denying them any access to their presence, counsel, and love. I have watched my people in churches suffer in silence and it rips away at my heart. I will purify those who claim my name.

I have given many opportunities to the church to repent and they do not. They believe they are the “Untouchables” due to my promises of mercy and grace. They forget that I am just. I am the God of Perfect Justice.

Your world will continue to try to contain plagues environmental challenges and discord. They have collectively opened the doors to evil and partnered with the evil one. He comes to steal, kill, and destroy. The world, the earth, the environment responds to spiritual allegiances. Your world has given their allegiance to sin and idols. Behind those idols is bondage, death, destruction. I’m not punishing the world. The world is suffering because of mankind‘s allegiances. They are partnered with death.

Even amongst the people who call themselves the church there are idols. They play the harlot worse than Israel. They prop up their agenda, politicians, festivals, conferences, and services and then stamp my name on their agenda while neglecting what I actually told them to do!

I love my son instructed my people to love me with all of their being to honor me with their entire lives; to seek first my kingdom, to care for the poor, to fight for for holy justice; to make disciples, to add value, to preach the genuine good news of my son.

Your world must pursue my son to live; seek him and live. Come out of agreement with what does not align with the kingdom of heaven; come into alignment with what my son is doing. This requires those who are called by my name to seek my voice, know my voice, and follow. Lay aside personal and cultural agendas to pursue heavens agenda. We are calling your world to repentance and relationship.”

I am blessing you. May you and I pick up our cross and follow Jesus.

Love in Him,

Erin Lamb

Are We Different or Just Like the World?

Do we look, talk, or behave any differently than those who do not claim to know Jesus? I ask myself this question, so not picking on anyone else. I will say since 2016 I have encountered countless people who exited Christianity over the church’s obsession with a political party and candidate, over the blatant ignoring or horrible responses to racial unrest (our job is supposed to be justice and reconciliation, not throwing black on black crime stats at people (btw white on white crime is higher!)) or ignoring the pain of hurting people, over the nastiness, rebellion, and vileness that has come out of some Christians over face masks or not getting their way.

The primary allegiance is to be God for a believer, not the earthly country where we were born. Our greatest loyalty is to God, not a flag or nation. Our mandates first come from heaven, not the government. We are Ambassadors of Heaven on earth if we are truly united with God. We showcase who He is, His vision, His character and attributes. We are not our own! We live under the jurisdiction of a Higher Power, the highest power. We reverence God first!!! We worship God, not politicians, not political party, not ourselves, not ideologies, not the church, not ministers, not money, not pleasure, not youth, not marriage, not sex, not keeping up the Joneses, not miracles/signs/wonders, not material possessions. We worship GOD; the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob.

We are in this world, yet not of this world. We are children of the light, not traffickers of the darkness. We are royalty. We are are seated in heavenly places with Jesus, if we are truly united with Him. We are not led by our flesh or worldly passions. We are led by the Spirit of God who continually bears good fruit.

Those who do not have the Spirit of God in them are NOT the children of God, not heirs, and will not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. There is no condemnation (final judgement of God’s wrath) for those who are in Christ Jesus who LIVE according to the Spirit and NOT after the flesh. If you and live according to the flesh (the selfish, self centered, ego, me first, lustful pursuits) we are unwise to think God is going to slap a gold star on us and say, “Good job.” God corrects those He calls a son or daughter.

I ask God to deal with me more than anyone else. God change me from the inside out and allow that transformation to manifest in such a way that it glorifies your Son. He paid the highest price to pull me out of death and into the light. I am no longer a slave, I am God’s friend. I ask God to purge me of limiting beliefs, any false beliefs from growing up in church (some people meant well, yet they taught things the wrong way), and I ask God to help me crucify my flesh so it comes up into alignment with heaven. What does this mean. I ask God to help me to not live out of my ego, out of selfishness, out of the me-centric worldview. You know, the “God bless me and no one else,” mantra.

So my prayer for us today is we cast aside living like the world and live abiding (remaining intimately connected) to Jesus. May we know Jesus for ourselves, know God’s love, and then reveal who He is to the world. God cares far more where people spend eternity than for our comfort. Earth is our temporary assignment, heaven is our permanent home. We live from and for eternity!

God bless you! Seek first the precepts, presence, and knowledge of God.



Want Better? Become Better!

I have been more focused on writing about relationships because for the past 6 years I have been doing a process called soul healing with people. I have seen countless clients in toxic repeating relationships. I also had to examine my own life and what I was settling for in friendships and connections.

It’s quite easy to blame other people. It requires maturity and growth to examine our role in the problem. If something negative keeps repeating in our lives, the common denominator is us. I will speak from my own experiences first, then add below the post on becoming better.

I had a bad habit of giving people the benefit of the doubt, allowing people too much access to my life without properly vetting them (this was mainly Christian friendships), and I would befriend anyone-even the people others avoided. I soon learned why people avoided them. 🙂 I over gave to people who did not match my effort, nor valued my time. I introduced my “friends” to each other and eventually they formed their own cliques and treated me like an outsider.

I had to become better and be a better steward of my heart and life. No one else will do this for you! God won’t force people to love you, care for you, invest in you, or value who you are. YOU MUST LOVE YOU! You must decide to look at your weak points and become better. I promise when you focus on becoming the best version of yourself, loving yourself as God does, setting better boundaries, getting your soul healed, you will attract better people and tolerate less nonsense from people.

I started a quest of becoming better, wiser, and a better steward of myself. My life drastically changed. I don’t have a plethora of people I call my friend, yet the ones I do are A+ instead of F- or wishy washy.

I hope the post from my Facebook (FB) author page ( helps and blesses you.

FB Post from 12/18/2021:

I meet people frequently who cry out for God’s best without actually asking God to help them be the best version of themselves. They want a Rolls Royce life with a dump truck mindset. They desire high quality friends without being a high quality person. They want the best, yet truth be told they are not working on their issues, soul wounds, attitude, selfishness, greed, lust, irresponsibility, or lack of wisdom. I love what Dr. Myles Monroe said, “God does not give you everything you ask for. God gives you what you demonstrate you can steward well.” If you desire better options in life, I highly recommend the following:

1. Looking at what you bring to the table. Would you want to date you, befriend you, trust you, hire you, be best friends with you, be in business with you? If not, work on you. Ask God to help you be better.

2. Examine your mindset. Our thoughts direct our path. If your mind is a swamp, ask God to clean it out. Swamp thinking: critical, constantly negative, deception, self loathing, shame, hatred, laziness, victim mindset, lust, perverted thoughts.

3. Examine if you love and accept you. Desiring personal growth and development is not self hatred, it is love. It is possible to have flaws and still love oneself. If you and I do not love ourselves as God does, we attract and/or seek out people who won’t love us either. If you examine your relationships, the ones you chose, they are a reflection of how you feel about yourself.

4. How do you manage or appreciate what God already gave you? If God gives you a person or gift, how to do care for them? Don’t ask for more or His best if you don’t take care of what you already have.

I want to give you a personal example. People have told me to buy a bigger house. I do not need a bigger house just to be fancy. A bigger house is more square footage to clean and upkeep. I know what I can handle. I know my schedule is loaded. At this point in life, I do not need a massive yard and mega mansion. I can put more money towards helping the poor.

I will give you another example. What we do not take care of breaks down. Take care of your body, soul, and spirit. I found myself in a season where I was just irritated by everyone. I had neglected rest and self care. Client loads started slowing. It was good because I needed to recoup. God does not give us more than we can manage well.

Be better!

  • Read books.
  • Renew your mind.
  • Deal with your toxic mindsets and behaviors.
  • Get 360 feedback; ask friends or family how you can love them better.
  • Deal with poor views of self; you attract how you feel about you.
  • Address poor boundaries.

  • Be a person of integrity and honor.
  • Talk to people rather than behind their backs.
  • Invest as much as you take, if not more.
  • Don’t be a leech in people’s lives.
  • Deal with the lies you believe.
  • Get your soul healed.
  • Eat right and exercise.
  • Give thanks for what you do have!
  • Take care of and appreciate what you have!
  • Ask God to help you become better!
  • Develop your skills.
  • Invite God into your weaknesses.
  • Aim to be the best version of you!!

It’s not about perfectionism, as there is no perfection outside of God. It’s about excellence and growth. The more whole we are on the inside, the better opportunities, relationships, and connections occur. Focus on becoming the best version of you and the right people and opportunities will chase you! I have been blown away by the opportunities and people I have met since I started changing myself. Obviously God is a tremendous part of the transformation, yet I had to make a decision that I was tired of being sick and tired of bad friendships and drama.

I will tell that the quest for my own soul healing, personal development and growth, meant some people walked out of my life. Some vacated without any warning and a few said they had nothing in common with me anymore. I bless them and it was for the best. I think if they had stayed in my life, I would not be on the same trajectory. They did me a favor. God upgraded my life and continues to do so. Destiny people don’t disappear, and God withholds nothing good (Psalm 84:11).

Cheering for you and I pray you put as much energy into loving yourself as you do loving others.


Erin Lamb

CEO & Founder of Lamb Enterprises LLC, Empowered & Free Merch, and Operation God is Love


Marry a Kingdom Person, Not a “Christian”

Being a Christian is a label in my country that can mean many things. It does not mean that person has a personal relationship with Jesus, obeys Jesus, nor that they even understand who Jesus is. Jesus spoke more about the Kingdom of God than anything else. Don’t let the prophets for profit convince you He talked most about money. He didn’t. I have met countless people who claim Jesus; they do not mirror any aspects of what He said would mark His followers. This includes clergy, pastors, platform ministers with millions of followers. 

Please don’t be fooled by a label, church attendance, and someone saying they are Christian. I had a lady tell me a guy brought his bible on a date. I asked, “Does he live anything in that bible?” It’s not what he says he is, it’s what he is living. 

I would not recommend for anyone desiring marriage to just seek out a Christian person. I have counseled countless people abused by Christians. Gosh, I have been treated like utter trash by quite a few professing Christians. 

A person who truly seeks first the Kingdom of God: 

1. Has a healthy view of the Lord so they will seek to honor God in their interactions with you, knowing they answer to God for their treatment of you. 

2. Will pursue honor, integrity, love, and mutual service and submission. It’s not one sided. 

3. Will repent when they sin and offer forgiveness to you when you sin. 

4. Will yield to God for pruning and godly growth. 

5. Pursues God and their own spiritual health with God. They do not expect you to be their god. 

6. Serves others, has the heart of a servant.

7. Walks in purity. They care about maintaining their purity with God and you. 

8. Builds God’s Kingdom and helps establish it on earth. 

9. Pursues unselfish love! 

10. Cares about the least, last, lost. They share the gospel and make disciples. 

11. Has regular communion with God and discipline of a disciple. 

12. Is a wise steward of what God has given, knowing they are accountable. Where much is given, much is required. 

13. Loves God more than they love you or anyone or anything else. 

14. Listens to God and wise counsel. 

15. Cares about what is best for you, unselfish love. 

16. Pursues you for the highest good, not their personal or lustful gain. 

17. Honesty, loyalty, commitment to do what they promise to do. 

18. Willing to confront you in love about sin or error. 

19. Talks to you to build connection not about you behind your back or so harshly its abusive. 

20. Views you as an equal, not a subordinate. 

21. Takes accountability for their own choices. 

22. Seeks to add value to your life. 

23. Seeks to obey God. 

24. Is passionate about God and their relationship is growing. 

25. Isn’t in love with marriage, a wedding, or the idea of marriage. They are fully in love with Jesus. 

A Kingdom person views life through God’s lens. They seek to do the will of God. They are sold out for Jesus. So, they are not trying to devour you, use you, get you into sin, get you into sexual immorality. They are pursuing God’s best for themselves and you. 

I will be honest that I have met more “Christians” than Kingdom people. It saddens me because Jesus is grossly misrepresented by the masses. My encouragement for those who want to marry is “Seek first the Kingdom of God and all His righteousness.” Instead of, “God gimmie!!” Say, “God prepare me. Help me to be a Kingdom person. Help me to love you most and yield to your purposes. God make me a blessing so I can be a blessing. Give me discernment to know what’s just good and what’s God (you). Heal my brokenness. Fix the broken parts of me. Grow me up in you. Prune away non fruit bearing parts of me.” 

As someone with years of experience helping married couples piece the broken parts together, please consider working on putting God first, getting healed, and pursuing God. Marriage does not cure things. It amplifies whats broken. Seek God. Seek first the Kingdom of God, not religion. Honor God. If you won’t honor God, you won’t honor a spouse.

Warm Regards,

Erin Lamb

God’s Waiting Room

Waiting can seem like a curse word in today’s insta society. Patience can be a double curse word when culture teaches us that we should be able to snap our fingers and magically get our way. I promise I am not a huge fan of the waiting rooms of life. I am learning to rest in them, to find comfort in God’s character (God is good and is working all things together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purposes), and to seek God for what I am learning in the season of waiting.

I talk about how in March of 2018 I was laid off my full time job. It was the job I landed right out of college. I knew what to do, how to do it, and had comfort in my role. I was not expecting lay offs because our manager kept telling us we were okay. Side note, trust God not people. I felt prompted the weekend before my lay off (not knowing for sure it was coming), to go set up a business line. I was laid off and within days launched my first business Lamb Enterprises.

How does this apply to waiting? Glad you asked. It was 18 months before I ventured back into another corporate job. My business helped; definitely as a start up was making money, yet it was not at the level of the Engineering/ Research Scientist salary that I had.

I asked God for a specific type of replacement job. I made a list of what I desired in my next corporate job. I included the salary I wanted. I included the benefits I wanted. I mean I even asked God for a specific type of coworkers and bosses I wanted. I prayed, believed, and applied to jobs.

I think I applied to over 300 jobs during that 18 months. Yes! Gosh that was excessive. Offers came through, yet they were NOT what I asked God for at all. I had my list. I had given my desires to God. I delighted myself in God and continued to serve people in ministry with no pay (though it would have helped me to have even 20 dollars for gas). God took care of my every need.

Right before I got the current job, an offer came up with another company. It was decent, yet not what I asked for at all. I sensed God saying, “Do not take this job!” How many of you know that when you’re tired, there is a greater temptation to settle? God’s voice to me in that moment was so clear. I went to the car feeling depleted and discouraged. It was a sweaty and humid August day. I was exhausted from looking, and trying to amp up a business. I was ready to be done! I had tons of ministry people wanted me to do, yet most did not desire to pay me anything to be able to buy food and live. I was beyond ready to exit God’s waiting room.

Within a week a recruiter contacted me about a job that I did not apply for, she asked if she could send my resume. I said, “Why not?” I had one panel interview and received a job offer. This job is everything that was on my list and I can still run my businesses on the side. God exceeded my list actually.

What did I learn in my waiting room?

Trust that God wants to exceed your expectations! The disclaimer here is God does not provide what is evil nor what draws us into sin. If what you desire is not good for you, then God blocks it.

Be specific in prayer requests. This is not to boss God around and yes God knows already. This helps you to say no to what is not aligned with what you desire.

God supernaturally provides. Ask, seek, knock. I asked no one for money during those 18 months. I asked God for an extra 1,000 a month to supplement my growing business. People from all over the USA and out of the USA would send money and say God told them to do it. When I asked for 3,000 a month, God provided. God grew my business. God made a way out of seemingly no way.

Some days will be hard, frustrating, and there may be tears. Talk to God. Don’t turn to a coping mechanism (food, tv, zoning out…). Get into a place of telling God how you feel and ask for His help.

Journal! I started a gratitude journal. Anything good that happened I noted it. I processed my days with God and bracketed my day in giving thanks.

The people around you may not get your challenge or care. This one was hard for me. People knew my situation and some had no compassion or one person would ask “Are you still in your house?” The question was, “Have you been evicted yet?” I never missed one bill payment!! I never defaulted nor were any payments late. Some will find joy in your suffering or challenge. Do NOT try to lean on people, lean on God!!

If you are struggling, ask God who to trust with that info. I did not blast my situation all over social media. I prayed and had a select crew praying with me. I hate to say this but some people like to see others struggling. It makes them feel better about their crappy life.

Delight yourself in God! I had an incredible time deepening intimacy (knowing) God those 18 months. I learned more about God, myself, and had my trajectory shifted. I am not the same as I was going into the storm.

Love God more than your desires from God. I love God and told Him that if I never received what I wanted, I would still be in a place of loving and worshiping Him. Money or a job are not my gods, nor my real source. My source is God.

God will help you. God is faithful. It does not feel like God is working when we cannot see His hands. When we cannot see His hands, we can trust His heart. God’s heart for us is pure. It is good.

We do our part. God does His part. I did not lay on my couch eating cheese puffs begging God for a job. I did not waste the time either. I published two books, launched my own publishing license, created a business, designed two websites, took a team to Asia for missions, planned for and executed a 200 person conference, launched a clothing line, preached at other conferences, networked with people, went back to school, got my PMP, took classes, went to charity events, and grew two businesses.

I learned I am more valuable than what I had previously settled for and being laid off was one of the greatest gifts God gave me. I would not have accelerated where I was. I was not always treated with respect or as a highly valuable person where I was. I had high stress and there were things I should not have settled for there. But God (always insert God), knew He desired more for me. The same goes for you! God desires His best for His children. Waiting is not a no. It is a not yet. Ask God to show you what you are learning and to guide your steps. He will!

I bless you! May you keep asking, seeking, knocking, and believing. May you sink into the Father’s love and know God desires the absolute best for you!! I am praying for you and cheering for you.

May our hope (expectation of good) be in God! Today you can proclaim, if you love God and are united to Him-“God is working all things together for my good.”

Christians vs Jesus (Why the Behaviors Differ)

Christian behavior vs the behavior of Jesus.

It comes up with street people and I have asked the same question of why “Christians” do not behave or love like Jesus. The answer is pretty simple, a person will bear the fruit of who and what they worship. “Christianity” can be rooted in going to church, giving money to a church, attending Christian events and reading Christian books, memorizing the Bible, singing Christian songs, belonging to a particular denomination or political party, pursuing marriage and raising Christian children, finding spiritual parents/mentors/priests/pastors or a Pope to follow, outward signs of piety, or in charismatic circles displays of miracles/signs/wonders. None of these things produce the fruit of God’s Spirit. None of these things mean a person is right with God, in relationship with God, following Jesus!

Jesus stated quite plainly, “I am the vine, you are the branches. If you abide (remain, stay in close connection and relationship (intimacy)) with me, then you WILL bear good fruit.” This means relationship, personal relationship with Jesus on a daily and continual basis is what empowers a person to bear the fruit of God’s likeness. Whatever parts of our lives that are bearing fruit, God comes along and prunes to produce even more fruit.

Religion does NOT produce the fruit of the Spirit. Yes, reading the Bible and connecting with other people who believe in God does help with the journey. You can read the Bible, spend all your life in church, and end up in hell. God did not send Jesus to increase the roll number at churches. God sent Jesus to reconcile the world to Himself and expand His family.

I have encountered people more in love with their church than Jesus. More in love with their spouse than Jesus. More in love with their political party than Jesus. More in love with miracles, signs, and wonders than Jesus. More in love with money or power than Jesus. More in love with looking like a Christian than obeying Jesus. If a person does not abide in the real Jesus of Nazareth, they will NOT bear the fruit if His love, character, or likeness.

It’s not a pull yourself up by your bootstraps type of deal. It is a sink into knowing Jesus and pursue close relationship with God.

“Those who are led by the Spirit of God are the sons and daughters of God.” Those without the indwelling of God’s Spirit do not have the seal of God upon them.

I am not against Christian events and the outward expressions of celebrating God. I do know, as Jesus knew, with the Pharisees that you can spend your life thinking you know God because you’re religious and completely miss God. Jesus stood before the Pharisees and they rejected Him. They had their religious feasts and the Torah. They had the Law. They had their outward expressions of righteousness and piety. What they did not have was personal relationship with the Messiah.

Relationship with God is not complex. It is a conversation and yielding of one’s heart and life. It is choosing to say yes to the stirring of God on the heart. “Yes, God I long to follow you. I repent of my sins (the ways I have lived outside your holiness). I accept that apart from you I can do nothing. I want to know you for myself. I yield my life to you. Come live in my heart. I thank you for Jesus. He who knew no sin took on my sins. He is God’s Son. The sinless One who died and rose on the third day. He triumphed over life’s greatest enemy-death, for me. Jesus be Lord over my life. God fill me with your Spirit.” The next steps involve inviting God into each day. Yield to the nudging of God. Listen and follow. It’s about relationship.

The more we abide (sink into personal relationship with Jesus), the more we begin to think like Jesus, love like Jesus, and display the character traits of Jesus. When Christians place the real Jesus first, then their behavior shifts to be more like the Christ (anointed one). Sadly, when being religious replaces relationship, what manifests is behavior that does not mirror Jesus at all.

Let’s be ones who abide in Jesus and display His glory (reputation) on earth.


Erin Lamb